Sunday, February 24, 2008

101 in 1001

Start date: 2/23/08
Finish date: 11/20/10

1. Learn how to fold an origami crane
2. Organize my computer files
3. Get a tattoo
4. Get Rio off to his new home
5. Volunteer
6. Buy a swift
7. Clean up and rearrange my room*WOO-HOO!!!*
8. Make 10 kitty blankets for PAWS (3/10)
9. Enter artwork in three Tallgrass shows (1/3)
10. Knit myself a garment
11. Get at least 3 required classes closer to graduation (3/3)
12. Learn soldering
13. Knit a child’s sweater for charity
14. Sign up to put work in the Tallgrass gift shop
15. Don’t buy any new novels for six months (6/6)
16. Re-learn how to spin on a spindle
17. Test and review all BPAL
18. Destash BPAL I no longer want
19. Put something in a school gallery show
20. Relearn crochet so I can make amigurumi animals
21. Learn bookbinding
22. Go to a past life regression session
23. Finally put something in my Etsy store
24. Use up most of my old fiber stash
25. Put up some of my work to sell
26. Take an art class in a medium I'm unfamiliar with
27. Learn cables
28. Spin art yarn
29. Learn continental knitting
30. Try entrelac
31. Knit a lace shawl
32. Sell something on Ebay
33. Get at least $500 into savings ($90/$500)
34. Pay off and cut up all credit cards (2/3)
35. Dedicate one journal just for artsy ideas and clippings
36. Eat less red meat
37. Start the TKGA Master's Program
38. Write an artist's statement
39. Try yoga
40. Become an ArtScout
41. Knit toe up socks
42. Knit two socks on magic loop
43. No new bags for six months (6/6)
44. Renew library card
45. Donate hair to Locks of Love
46. Dye hair hot pink
47. Graduate in '09
48. Knit from stash for six months (6/6)
49. Spin enough yarn for a big project
50. Catalogue all yarn in Ravelry
51. Learn to make granny squares
52. Release a book for BookCrossing
53. Get eyebrows professionally shaped
54. Find an old fashioned roller rink and skate!
55. Get both cats up to date on shots (2/2)
56. Visit a Tibetian temple
57. Get fitted for a bra
58. Go on a road trip
59. Knit 5 miles of yarn (5/5)
60. Learn new spinning techniques: wire core, wrapped yarn, nubs, coils, slubs, felt add-ins, mixed media
61. Try intarsia
62. Go to The Green Mill
63. Learn to use our new sewing machine
64. Start Master's degree
65. Learn to weave
66. Go to a fiber festival or Yarn Con
67. Take a self defense class
68. Do grave rubbings
69. Make gingerbread from scratch
70. Throw porcelain
71. Make something for PostSecret
72. Learn to shoot a gun
73. Design something knitted/crocheted
74. Submit a yarn to The Yarn Museum
75. Be an extra in a movie
76. Help out at the local theater
77. Try Korean food
78. Make an ATC
79. Go on a ghost hunt
80. Go to a spa
81. Knit/spin vegan for a month
82. Knit with laceweight yarn
83. Take part in a protest
84. Get hypnotized
85. Get a portfolio together
86. Make most of Roxycraft's designs
87. Visit Lillstreet
88. Take archery lessons
89. See a roller derby match
90. Clicker-train our animals
91. Wheel-throw a plate
92. Get back into chain mail
93. Learn to use chopsticks
94. Make an art doll
95. Learn some sign language
96. Knit/crochet an inanimate object
97. Release a message in a bottle
98. Write for my friend’s variety web show
99. Update resume
100. Make myself general information business cards
101. Get a psychic reading


Mookxi said...

good luck with your goals ;-)

Spinning Ninny said...

you have a couple good ones on here. get hypnotized. that'd be pretty awesome. i also have sending something to post secret on mine! :) good luck.