Thursday, February 3, 2011

101 in 1001 #2

So, I've started a new one. Hopefully this time I'll complete more than 72 of them. Some are easy, some are crazy, outrageous, WTF am I thinking...(and some may get changed later on).

Start date:
January 3, 2011

End date:
September 30, 2013

1.Take a plane trip (I've still never been on one)
2. Go fishing with my dad this summer
3. Learn how to fold an origami crane
4. Get a tattoo
5. Knit myself a garment
6. Try embroidery or cross stitch
7. Knit a child’s sweater for charity
8. Learn bookbinding
9. Go to a past life regression session
10. Finally put something in my Etsy store or open an Artfire store or see if I can sell it via consignment
11. Learn continental knitting
12. Pay off all credit cards
13. Dedicate one journal just for artsy ideas and clippings
14. Start the TKGA Master's Program
15. Dye hair an unnatural color (the bottom layer of my hair is now blue)
16. Spin enough yarn for a big project
17. Find an old fashioned roller rink and skate!
18. Visit a Tibetian temple
19. Get fitted for a bra
20. Try intarsia
21. Go to The Green Mill
22. Learn to use our new sewing machine
23. Learn a magic trick
24. Do grave rubbings
25. Make gingerbread from scratch
26. Learn to shoot a gun
27. Be an extra in a movie
28. Help out at the local theater
29. Go on a ghost hunt
30. Get a massage
31. Knit with laceweight yarn
32. Take part in a protest
33. Get hypnotized
34. Take archery lessons
35. See a roller derby match
36. Learn some conversational sign language
37. Tie a note to a balloon and release it
38. Learn to play a new instrument
39. Get a psychic reading
40. Learn all the words to "It's the End of the World As We Know It"
41. Buy a blank BJD and do a face-up
42. Pay off hospital bills
43. Put $$ in savings each month (Jan: $20)
44. Watch all Twilight Zone episodes
45. Watch all Doctor Who episodes (started!)
46. Borrow someone’s GPS and go on a random road trip
47. Come out of the Atheist closet
48. Lose 50 pounds
49. Get teeth whitened
50. Process a raw fleece
51. Get CPR certificate – both human and animal
52. Participate in Bike the Mile
53. Research jobs that have something to do with my major
54. Get Masters degree
55. Get into three more gallery shows
56. Create an installation
57. Create a comprehensive body of work
58. See more local bands
59. Read these books before buying more: Anarchy Evolution, Books of Blood, Sharp Teeth, The Catcher in the Rye, Death with Interruption, Carriers
60. Create and name my own glaze
61. Learn how to run the kiln
62. Throw a plate on the wheel
63. Visit somewhere west of IL.
64. Try to stop cussing so much
65. Don’t eat red meat for a month
66. Learn to live with less
67. Follow a band around
68. Try a new fiber artist/fiber each month
69. Fly a kite
70. Contribute to a Phat Fiber box
71. Try Zumba
72. Weave something more than a scarf
73. Finish my alphabet prompt table
74. Keep up with my blog
75. Take part in a collaboration
76. Get rid of a lot of my stuff
77. Declutter and rearrange my room
78. Learn the Single Ladies dance
79. Learn to identify 10 constellations
80. Learn more about Creationism, so I can argue my case better
81. Send something to PostSecret
82. Build a snowman
83. Find six great new bands to obsess over
84. Listen to the little voice in my head more often
85. KARAOKE!!!
86. Grow my own veggies
87. Learn a new recipe each month
88. Write a message in a public restroom
89. Have a lucid dream
90. Write a will
91. Write a haiku using alphabet spaghetti or magnet letters
92. Write and send a fan letter
93. Don’t eat fast food for a month
94. Volunteer at Settler’s Pond
95. Create my own font
96. Visit one crazy tourist attraction
97. Convince someone else to do the 101 in 1001
98. Take the polar bear plunge
99. Meet someone I admire
100. Bake bread
101. Go to a book signing/reading

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